Aurul, Mămăliga si Cașcavalul

      Ce au astea 3 în comun?
Răspuns: nu doar culoarea, dar aia reprezintă totuși baza.
Acest articol s-a încheiat aici. Cei cu adevărat înțelepți deja au priceput esențialul.

      Acum pentru restul, care cît de cît pot gîndi, să detaliem un pic niște observații, iar apoi să dăm niște explicații și să facem niște extrapolări (că nu imi place termenul de previziuni).

Boivăcimea e și acum împarțită pe categorii, ca de obicei.
      Avem categoria oi cu buletin, cărora de pe acum le tremură mîna în somn pentru că visează că ei vor “vota”. Oimea va “vota” și atît. Nu va ține cont de nimic, de nimeni. “Votul” e important. Oimea l-a votat și pe Trump la ocupant acasă, dar ce să vezi: “ghinion” – sistemul l-a desemnat pe Putrezit. Același “ghinion” ca la Poantă vs Mutu’. Că așa e pe lume: unii selectează ce trebuie, alții fac circ pentru boivăcime, iar boivăcimea mugetă.
      Că veni vorba de circ, trecem la categoria maimuțe cu buletin, o categorie oarecum peste cea de oaie cu buletin, dar nu cu mult. Maimuțimea se manifestă, țipă, face scandal la modul galeriilor Steaua-Dinamo de pe vremuri. Maimuțimea respectă și aplică mult mai bine decît oimea dorința ocupantului: de a menține sistemul “dezbina și cucerește”. Maimuțele cu buletin fac un concurs continuu de aruncat banane în capetele maimuțelor de altă opinie decît ele. O maimuță vrea să “voteze” pe X, alta pe Y și alta pe Z. (Mai puțin pe Z că la prea mult Z ne scoate ocupantul litera asta din alfabet, că din dicționar deja multe cuvinte le-au interzis.) Pe lîngă adunaturile astea de maimuțe mai avem altă categorie de maimuțe care susține că maimuțele XYZ sînt proaste și că-s mai deștepte ele, maimuțele Anti. Maimuțele “A” denigrează maimuțele XYZ numindu-le deseori chiar oi. Maimuțele “A” spun ca ele nu votează deloc pentru că nimeni nu merită asta. Maimuțele “A” ajung sa înjure maimuțele XYZ că astea din urmă “voteză” iar maimuțele XYZ le injură pe maimuțele “A” că ele nu “votează”. Și așa ajungem din nou la dorința ocupantului: de a menține sistemul “dezbina și cucerește”.
      Nici maimuțimea și nici atît oimea nu au priceput că se află într-un scenariu “Kobayashi Maru”. Hai, fuga pe net și vedeți ce e ăla, dar nu vă va ajuta asta cu nimic.
Nu stiți ce e ăla ? Nasol, înseamnă că nu aveți cultură cinematografică. Aia știti ce e ?
E ceva mai eficient. Tot ce citiți voi în 7000 de cărți în sute de mii de ore din punct de vedere al transmiterii informației este echivalentul cu a vedea doar cîteva ore de secvențe video. Bineînteles, alea care trebuie, văzute cînd trebuie și înțelese cum trebuie. E vorba de fapt doar de eficiența transmiterii informației. Voi aia care faceți “live-uri” pe platformele ocupantului cu poze cu biblioteci pe fundal s-ar putea nici să nu stiți la ce folosește o carte.
99.9% din toată istoria planetei, din filozofia de orice natură, din toate evenimentele trecute, prezente și viitoare se explică în mod corect și complet în doar 3 serii de filme și seriale. Dacă le-ați fi văzut și înțeles p-astea cu adevărat, ați fi știut și tot ce urmează și tot ce aveți de făcut. Nu vă spun care, aveți indicii în articole anterioare.
      Acum, pentru cei care știu ce e un scenariu “Kobayashi Maru”, ar trebui să știți și metoda de a ieși din el. Dar ăștia sînteți undeva la maxim 1 din 2000. Și sînteți dezorganizați, separați prin toate colțurile lumii și în general cu durere în cot sau în alte părți. Ocupantul v-a făcut să nu mai mișcați nimic nici voi, chiar daca sînteți măcar într-o minima cunoștiință de cauză. Confortul vostu o să înceapă să doară, după modelul turcilor care aveau o mare plăcere la primii 20cm de țeapă, dar de la 21 în sus începeau să urle (iar între 20 și 21 sperau). Așa că recomandarea este să lăsați prostiile și să va reapucați de ce trebuie !
      Hai să nu uităm de extrapolări. Deținătorii mămăligii și cașcavalului au decis să dea o felie de cașcaval ucenicilor lor, ca nu cumva să ajungă altcineva la mămăligă, că e risc sa puna pauză stocului de mălai. Prima extrapolare: Deținătorii mămăligii și cașcavalului vor reține o cotă-parte din cașcaval cam de 2-1 – 2.4 ori mai mare decît felia pe care o vor da ucenicilor. Restul, ca de obicei, vor primi coji și vor curăța strachina. Hai să traduc și pentru boivăcime: vreo 50% (plus 1-2 ca la ocupant) ca să se mențină cine trebuie la controlul stocului. Ucenicii mai au de învățat, deci n-au cum sa depășească 1/4 din total. Restul: deșeuri menajere pentru cățelușii care tot timpul stau cuminți cu limba scoasă să primească resturile. Rezultatul acestei extrapolări ne duce la a doua extrapolare: 1984 la puterea a 3-a, ca tot vă lăudați unii că ras-citiți. A doua extrapolare are o triplă semnificație. Vă las pe voi să descoperiți.

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    Rules to follow as employee under capigtalism [En]

    Since the companies come to us only to rob and do their work with slaves, it seems fair to me that the slaves should also have some countermeasures. I’ve had enough of their capigtalism for a long time. As such, I offer you a set of basic rules, to make your life easier if you are present in a company that operates according to Capigtalist rules:

    1. Work seriously damages health. It is clinically, scientifically, practically proven. It is an indisputable fact. I mean, the less the better. You don’t have to work, but to be present.Because in Romania, as in many other occupied countries, this is the most you get paid to do. If they want work, let them pay like in the top countries in the EU, because that’s why they are multi-super-ultra-trans-national companies.So, for a salary of 10% of that in the top countries of the EU for an equivalent position, I only grant attendance. If you want something else, ‘dear’ corporations, pay your fair share.Otherwise, eject. Go to Papadungezia, with your pseudo-investments and everything.

    2. The objective of the employee should be to do nothing. Exactly that. When you end up doing nothing, it means that you have done things so well that they no longer require your intervention except very rarely. When you get to do nothing, you will also benefit from promotions. In addition, you have to be proud when you are doing nothing and to affirm this all the time, especially in response to the question of your colleagues ‘what are you doing’?

    3. Don’t leave to tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Capigtalism does not reward competence, it rewards bull$it. The production is not rewarded, but the powerpoint presentations that have the most beautiful graphics and the most + figures.And if you leave a problem alone, it is very likely that it will disappear without your intervention. If it eats you somewhere, you might do even more damage, and the dogs next door are just waiting to jump on your neck and throw the blame on you.If you have a bit of diplomacy over this tactic, it’s all solved.

    4. Don’t do what someone else can do. Leave them alone to do it. You eventually report that what needed to be done was done. Management is interested in whether it was done, not by whom, nor how exactly it was done. So, pass it on, that’s how it is in football. It is important to avoid back passes. In such situations, you proceed as in tennis: you hit it as hard and as effectively as possible, so that it is no longer returnable. Let them know they play with Djokovic !

    5. Stay in the breaks as long as possible. In fact, turn your attendance into a big break. Ideally, you will be continuously on break, except for extremely urgent situations when you will have to take a ‘consulting break’. Obviously, any day of presence must start with a juice/coffee/cigarette/anything else break, just let the break be. Also, pay great attention to respecting the work schedule. Always respect the end of the program. That is, the second it’s N o’clock, break the gates. If somehow you’re a few minutes late… it’s not profitable at all, but it can be adjusted (learn from the Ferengi): you stay an extra hour until the next N+1 o’clock. Legally, overtime is paid. If the company has a problem with this, there are legal actions to ‘regulate direction’. Also, draw the attention of colleagues who are late to leave that they do not respect the work schedule.

    6. Don’t show anything to anyone. Everything you know must be top secret. Let the bullies & cows beat their semi-defective neuron for weeks, because they deserve it. If they ask you for solutions, offer them options and that’s it. Let the bosses choose between solutions and let the colleagues implement them. It is more than enough that you offered them those solutions. If they are not able to solve them even when they have the solution, they deserve their slave fate.

    7. Never pick on those of low rank. The workers are not to blame. It is the fault of the managers, directors or others with such titles and with the corresponding big salary who in fact do nothing but forward orders, which an e-mail system could also do. Heads should be applied with force in their mouths, not on those below. So, respect the hierarchy: the higher it is, the harder you give it a head in the mouth (explanation for boys: figuratively, of course). Be careful to wear a helmet when applying the head in the mouth, so that there are no consequences for you. Those who understand well, those who don’t…may continue to suffer. There is no order without applying heads in the mouth. The world no longer understands normal arguments, and the ultimate argument is the head in the mouth hit.

    8. When there is a lot to do, take a holiday leave. Or you may end up actually working. It’s a basic thing, in relation to point 4. If something more complex and long-lasting really needs to be solved, let the others work. Have a nice holiday leave until the job is done. If there is something with extensions, get leave extensions from a doctor. The first 3 are elementary rules, the minimum necessary to survive today’s slave system. The rest helps significantly towards a successful career. Besides this, there are also some secrets of a strategic nature, which I will talk about on another occasion.

    9. Let me tell you the 9th rule, this more secret: keep everything about you ultra-secret. Don’t tell anyone anything about yourself, except for situations where you have a colleague who has really woken up to reality – but beware that this has a probability of 1:200. No one should know where you live, how many children you have or not, who you meet, what you do in your free time, what you drink, what preferences you have of any kind (movies, games, sports activities, anything). By respecting this, you have two great advantages: no one will be able to pick on you on any kind of subject and you will also get a classification of ‘mysterious’ which will help you in many other things.

      The first 3 are elementary rules, the minimum necessary to survive today’s slave system. The rest helps significantly towards a successful career. Besides this, there are also some secrets of a strategic nature, which I will talk about on another occasion.

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      Electronic Arts (EA) support is a catastrophe

         Many years ago I used to design “EA Suc|<s” logos due to how this company mocked many famous series continuing them with junk games, like in the case of Red Alert series and Command & Conquer series. I used to joke at that time saying they should make that Generals 2 since there’s not much to mess up for that one.

         Well, now I had to deal with their support.

         Part 1 – the new EA Fail APP

         In short, in order to support Red Alert 2 Yuri’s Revenge modding, I wanted to see how mods work with the EA’s Origin launcher. For that purpose I just make a quick purchase of the C&C pack that includes RA2 & YR. That went fine. Then I wanted to install EA’s Origin launcher. It looks like I already had a version installed but it did not want to work anymore. so I went online for an update. The 1st surprise: there is no more EA Origin. It was replaced with something called EA App. All-right, moving on. That thing downloaded and the 1st thing it did is uninstall Origin completely and install itself. It did work with the same credentials, so at least that part was fine. I stated the new nice-looking “App” and downloaded RA2YR. I quickly checked the file structure on the game. The executables were not the original ones I was used to. Trying to launch them directly did not work in any manner because they were all pointing to the launcher instead. I opened the EA App interface and tried to launch from there. Surprise: it’s not working. I’m getting a completely illogical “this game requires permissions” message. “OK”-ing that button caused another error: “failed to launch the game” with a sub-message of trying later. After trying various permissions for the game, the APP, the launcher and other stuff like UAC off I quickly realized that this error has nothing to do with the local PC or the permissions. To confirm this, I installed other games from the pack. They all gave the same error and all of them were not starting.

         Part 2 – The WTF searches 

         Since the above happened, I tried searching various solutions online. No help there; just a few people saying they reverted to Origin to play their games. Digging around EA forums there were a lot of similar complains in the games of many games, some even new enough to fit into a whole different era. The conclusion was clear: EA’s new “App” was a complete failure and was unable to run valid games. In the case of RA2YR: the old CD version works fine, other confirm that via Origin in offline mode it still works fine and of course there’s the rest of the people that confirm it’s not working at all (and this is the same for many games) via the new “App”. I confirmed on a couple of topics that I have the same problem and I opened my own that was practically ignored (just got a confirm from another player having similar problems there, but no official answer). There were many things people tried and I myself tried with no luck. And the forums were full of them. And yes, using WTF in front of a search while having a problem may increase the probability of related information. The important part here is that there was no official support on the forums, except a link towards the general help page of EA, which we’ll talk about later.

         Part 3 – The incompetent and inexistent support

         Well, it was clearly time to get some official “support”. I did just purchased a product after all and I actually expect it to work. I dug on the help site until managing to get to a template that sends an e-mail. I sent it. Of course there was a generic answer that had nothing to do with the problem. The ticket was put on hold with a tag saying “waiting for player”. I was unable to un-pause it since the option to do so redirects to a general (and useless) “help” page. I created a new 2nd request and then tried to used the different option: chat with someone. I thought that was quite good to actually talk to someone. For my surprise, only the intro part is AI-scripted and you then actually do talk to an operator. I got in touch with one and explained that EA App is not launching any games. He started pasting me old useless forum topics or other useless things like how to turn off UAC, how to make an admin user. None of them whatsoever were new things. I was struggling to explain that I tried all that already, but the operator seemed to be in a broken circle loop. After finally exiting the loop he said he cannot help at that point and that he will communicate to his higher tier support or something and get back to me. Of course, no-one got back to me.

         Part 4 – “Satisfaction is not guaranteed

         There’s a Ferengi rule of acquisition that I used a title for part 4. Goes well with the 1st of these rules saying “Once you have their money, you never give it back.”. This is about my Samurai-like struggle to get a refund. There’s an actual “refund” option well hidden somewhere on the EA site but of course it’s not working. It always says “no product fits” and it has some rules stated below. One of the rules say you can refund if it’s not been more than 14 days from the purchase if you did not launch the games since purchase. Completely illogical, since a game can be completely broken and you can’t see that until you start playing it. But this time the fit was perfect: since none of the game worked, none were launched so I was complying with that official refund scenario. So I contacted chat again and ask for a refund. They asked some security things just to confirm it’s really me and then they asked details about the reason of refund. While that, I got an unrelated call which took around a minute. After alt-tabbing back to the chat, the chat was closed saying something that I’m AFK and saying to re-contact them. I entered DNFD mode and reopened chat. There was another operator. I explained all the above and then he started to “help” me fix “my” technical problem in order not to refund. He was going through all the initial BS his colleague from support went. After half hour of explaining that I tried already each of the useless things he was linking me I restated that my request is of a refund, not of a technical support. He finally gave up on this and tried another trick. He said the payment did not arrive and I should contact my bank to check. Seriously ? That transaction went off in the same day I ordered it, with bank confirmation. I told him that and he insisted payment did not arrive and that’s why the games are not working. I explained that there’s nothing I can do on my side, since the payment confirmation arrived. Then he said he will check with colleagues if a refund is possible. I told him that according to what is stated on their own site, a refund is possible and there’s nothing else needed for that. He finally have up after 1 hour of struggle and opened a refund request. Or so he said. It remains to be seen if that gets processed or “lost” along the way.

         Part 5 – The logos are back.

      Due to all of the above, along with the fact that some of the EA logos are more graphically advanced, here’s a 30-second one to remind them of who they are:

       Nice and shiny texture.

         Below, you can find the support feedback I gave them, although I’m almost sure no-one read it, as in most cases.

      1. Clearly explained issues instead of being directly addresses are derailed to completely other topics unrelated to the reported problem.
      2. There is no centralized way for problem solving. Talking to multiple operators about the same issue and repeating the same steps each time is a general waste of time for both the client and the support staff.
      3. There is no viable way to report and track general bugs that affect everyone or a large number of people.
      4. The forums are nearly abandoned and most of the serious reported issues there are just being ignored.
      5. Support site (healp.ea) is very hard to practically use, many link that should get the user to the proper areas are just linking back to the general page.
      6. Options form support page are counter-intuitive and sometimes not even work.
        Due to the above, EA support can currently be fit into catastrophic category. You need to improve you support and interact with considering feedback.

         That’s pretty much it from my side. I’ll give them a few more years to fix themselves or be gone from the marked for the better good of the gaming community.

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      Star Trek Online – Isomagnetic Consoles Upgrade

      Console upgrade guide for the new Console – Advanced Engineering – Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifold

      I’m writing this because there’s a new top console in-game, better than the tactical vulnerability exploiters/locators. but it will cost you a lot to upgrade your ships with it. It adds 7.5 extra weapons power that stacks with each added console. Some of it will also go into other subsystems due to Warp Core’s Weapon-to-Shields/Aux/Impulse.

      Initial things to consider before upgrading:

      1. You budget: you will need around 175 Mil (assuming 7 consoles) per upgraded ship for the actual consoles costs + 50k dil for re-engineering + around 150k dil for upgrading them to top tier. You can also play Elite TFOs to get the mats needed and build the consoles, if you feel up to it. Even so, most of the below still applies.
      2. You cannot use them with tactical vulnerability exploiters/locators. You will need to remove the exploiters/locators to be able to pot these in the eng slots.
      3. Those are best used when you ship has a lot of engineering console slots (as battlecruisers have 5). If you have a ship with 5 tac and 4 eng it’s still worth the upgrade.
      4. Emptying the tac slots will have other advantages: you will be able to use some set tac consoles, bellum tac consoles, colony proto infusers. That will end up in you having up to 12 consoles that directly boost damage.

      Now let’s see how can you make this upgrade as cheap and efficient as possible. Planning is good for business.

      1. Make a list with all your characters/ships that need the upgrade.
      2. Consider how many actual consoles of each energy damage type you need in total: number of ships/char of that energy type * number of eng+universal console slots when ship is maxed at T6x2.
        So let’s say you have 2 disruptor ships on different characters and a plasma ship. You’ll need around 7×2 disruptor isomags and 7 plasma isomags (you need to calculate the exact number; just sum-up eng slots and univ slots).
      3. The 2 paths. One path assumes you have all or most energy types (4 or more) that you use on various ships/chars. The other assumes you have few energy types (up to 3).

      3.A. If you have most energy types in use, the way you want to upgrade is by re-engineering the cheapest consoles you can buy/make.
      Just filter the exchange for isomags and even the parts or sub-components (count price x5 for sub-components as you need 5 of them to make a primary component) and buy the total amount you will need or a little more.
      Then start re-engineering and/or building the consoles you need.
      When you reach the max number that you need for an energy type, you have the option to keep more as spare or re-re-engineer that energy type towards what remains needed.
      A few things to note here:

      • some energy types are more expensive, you may want to sell the excess of that type instead of re-eng
      • when you have full stock of what you need of at least 2 energy type, don’t re-eng the drops of that type; sell them instead, you will make a 10% up to x2 cost recovery on them depending on the market prices at that point.

      3.B. If you only have 1 to 3 energy types then you’re not in luck. Making the consoles and/or re-eng’ing them is no longer worth the dil costs. You will have to hunt for them and buy them from the exchange.
      if your energy type is one of the very expensive ones, you’re in really bad luck, you can end up spending ~60Mil / console which is bad. You will have to gamble on waiting.
      Alternately, you can still apply 3.A., but with more patience – just sell the rest of the energy types that you don’t need or stock them up for future use.

      Now that the painful part is over you will be left with a lot of MK2 consoles of pink or violet quality.
      You will have to wait for an upgrade weekend event. This is mandatory unless you are willing to spend up to x2 the dil to upgrade them to gold.
      When upgrade weekend comes up, you need a lot of Phoenix tokens to convert to Phoenix upgrades or, if you have stock of Superior Tech Upgrades you may use these also.
      Plan this through also, you don’t want ending up with no dil in the middle of your upgrade process. Make estimates and stack on Phoenix Upgrades.
      Until the dil weekend comes in, consider what will you put on your tac slots. There are 3+ options here.

      1. [Only for ships that have energy + torps as secondary] – Protomatter Matrix Infuser consoles of the energy type you need.
        This will boost a lot your energy type, give a small boot to torps and give you a little protection from damage.
      2. [For energy only ships] – Bellum Directed Energy Distribution Manifolds (from reputation store) that give crit chance alongside beam or cannon boost. Note: the resulting energy damage boost is lower than that of the Matrix Infusers.
      3. [For tanks] – you may want to use Pax Directed Energy Distribution Manifolds (rep store also) that hive hull cap instead of crit chance alongside beam or cannon boost. Note: the energy damage boost is lower than that of the Bellums.
      4. [For various uses] – other set/clickables that can’t fit science slots. I will not get into detail here, if you really needs some special consoles you can always use them instead of the ones at 1,2,3.

      So the plan recap is:

      • evaluate your needs
      • get/build and re-eng the isomags
      • get the secondary consoles for tac slots
      • make all upgrades in the upgrade weekend
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      Sfarsitul Ocupantului Strategic

      In cele ce urmeaza voi prezenta de ce SUA, ocupantul strategic, este foarte aproape de inevitabilul sau sfarsit.

      In decurs de doar un an de la plandemie au pierdut teren la toate capitolele: tehnologic, militar, strategic si mai ales economic. Practic, cu tot cu banii lor infiniti, au pierdut controlul Planetei.
      Ura la nivel mondial catre ei a ajuns la cote inimaginabile acum cativa ani. Din ce in ce mai multe tari isi aduc amine cum au fost bombardate, jefuite, sanctionate, luate sub ocupatie strategica.
      Acestea au inceput lupta de eliberare. Cele care nu au inceput-o, o vor incepe.

      Cel mai important aspect este cel economic, dar nu il vom trata 100% separat de restul, pentru ca toate aspectele sunt foarte legate intre ele.
      Ocupantul nu mai are decat o economie teoretica, sustinuta de un dolar fals care astazi mai valoreaza sub 1.12 centi / $ si va ajunge la valorea reala de 1% pana la sfarsitul anului.
      Si nu, nu este vorba de devalorizrea datorata inflatiei care este mai mare de x30 comparativ cu anul 1800, ci de cu totul altceva.
      Dolarul este creat din nimic si sustinut cu nimic. Nu mai are in spate decat puterea de opresiunie a ocupantului, putere prin care ocupantul impune folosirea dolarului ca moneda principala in lume. Aceasta putere de opresiune este in continua scadere si va pierde destul de repede toata influenta, cu tot cu sutele de baze militare raspandite peste tot.

      Daca astazi am trage linie in fiecare tara sa constatam ce economie reala mai au s-ar vedea ca SUA nu mai are aproape nimic. Si-au exportat tot, ca sa munceasca sclavii pentru ei si ei sa scoata profit. Acum sclavii capata independenta.
      Ce au mai important se fabrica in alta parte (cipurle doar ca un exemplu) iar resurse nu pot extrage de pe propriul teritoriu in mod eficient pe termen scurt sau mediu, fara sa faca intai o reindustrializare masiva, pentru care este nevoie de … resurse.
      Alte tari au cu ce. Aici e diferenta. Unele tari au resurse foarte multe si valoroase (multe tari din Africa si altele cum ar fi Rusia si chiar Romania) iar China este baza productiei mondiale de orice. Fara ce vine din China, tarile vestice n-ar mai avea nici izmene.

      In acest context ocupantul nu are de ales decat sa jefuiasca resurse de peste tot, practica dusa la extrem de zeci de ani incoace. E, lumea s-a cam saturat si din ce in ce ma multe tari rup legaturile de orice fel cu ei si vor sa iasa de sub ocupatia strategica. Ce se intampla in Africa e doar un exemplu.
      Vor urma multe alte tari inclusiv din Europa care vor face acelasi lucru.

      Ca sa se mentina la putere ocupantul are nevoie in continuare de jaf prin razboi. Dar dupa cum spuneam acum cativa ani de cand cu Afganistanul, s-au cam terminat tarile lipsite de aparare. A fost distractiv sa bombardezi de la mare altitudine papadunghezi in pesteri cu tehnica mai veche cu zeci de ani decat a ta. Acum, cand i-a mancat undeva sa se ia de Rusia, au constatat ca in fata unui inamic cu aceleasi capacitati sunt net inferiori. Tehnica lor “superioara” e asa de tare incat nici nu mai au curajul sa o arunce in lupta, ca ar ramane fara ea instant, cum s-a intamplat in cazul catorva tentative, inclusiv cu sistemele “Patriot”. S-au facut de rusine suficient incat sa nu bage la inaintare masiv Abrams-uri, pentru ca alea-s concepute pentru lupta in conditii de desert, ca acolo au jefuit zeci de ani. in conditii arctice sunt inutilizabile.

      Tot pe parcursul zecilor de ani de bombardamente si jaf ocupantul a folosit tactica sanctiunilor. Controlind moneda principala de schimb si controlind politica “aliatilor’ si-au putut permite sa izoleze rapid orice tara care manifesta cele mai mici intentii de a se opune jafului.
      Si a functionat bine chestia asta, pana recent. Acum si-au luat-o in bot din toate directiile dupa modelul bumerangului, dar ei continua in acest joc idiot. Au ajuns practic sa se auto-sanctioneze si sa se auto-izoleze in mod indirect.

      Sa luam cele doua exemple principale:

      1. Sanctiuni contra Rusiei

      Sanctiunle asupra Rusiei au dus la o relansare economica a Rusiei in timp ce ei au ajuns sa aiba marile orase intr-un stadiu asa de bun incat in ele poti filma oricand materiale pentru filme sau jocuri de groaza, sau chiar cu scenarii apocaliptice. Daca luam cateva poze din Detroit si cateva din Ukraina de azi, care sa nu contina insemne disticte de identificare (steaguri, inscrisuri, etc) si le amestecam, oricine nu este expert in doua-3 domenii foarte specifice nu va putea vreodata face diferenta intre aceste poze.
      Peste peisajele triste din marile orase se adauga si drogatii zombificati. Sanctiunile au functionat asa de bine (chair si cu deconectarea cu tot a Germaniei de la gazul rusesc) incat acum tarile BRICS+ intre ele isi vand petrol la 60$ barilul, dar tarilor occidentale il vor vinde la 100$. Asa, ca sa fie cat de cat cinstit fata de ce face ocupantul cu ei. Inclusiv Emiratele Arabe Unite si Arabia Saudita, “aliati” clasici ai ocupantului, s-au aliniat la asta si actioneaza. Asadar tarile producatoare de petrol s-au decis sa limiteze productia ca sa vanda barilul la 100$ iar Rusia il vinde la 60$, catre cine mertia.

      Rezerva strategica SUA a fost in scadere continua, de la 650 Milioane barili in Septembrie 2020 ajungand azi la 350. Greseala catastrofala: in loc sa faca stoc in momentul in care se mai putea, au tot consumat. Iar acum, ca sa refaca stocul, va fi necesar sa-l refaca la un pret mult mai mare.

      In timp ce preturile la utilitati in vest chiar s-au triplat, la rusi nu s-a intamplat nimic.

      1. Sanctiuni contra Chinei

      Chiar exprimarea in sine este amuzanta: il sanctionezi pe ala care iti fabrica tot ce folosesti. Congratufuckinglations. De cam 4-5 ani au inceput campania impotriva Huawei. Huawei de prin 2018 avea tehnolgoie net superioara pe parte de comunicatii comparativ cu ce era raspandit prin vest. Incepand de la rutere uzuale pana la relelee de 4,5-N G.
      Ca o mica paranteza, am fost personal prezent la conferinta tehnologica in Bucuresti, unde 2 ESCU au intervenit sa sublinieze ce extrem de important este ca noi sa avem tehnologie 5G de la ocupant si nu de la chinezi. Efectul: operatori de-ai nostri se lauda ca pun 5G in paduri ca sa fure doar corporatiile ocupantului lemn, nu cumva sa ia si Gheorghe sau Ion vreascuri, dar in acelasi timp sunt incapabili sa asigure un nivel acceptabil de semnal in arii foarte mari din judete din centrul tarii.

      E, chinezul nu a stat degeaba si s-a apucat de treaba. Si-a facut propriile cipuri, si-a dezvoltat propriile procese litografice, iar astazi a ajuns sa procedeze corect cu ocupantul: ne-ati interzis Huawei, va interzicem Apple. In 2021 marul stricat detinea aproape un sfert din piata de telefoane mobile din China. Adica niste sute de milioane de utilizatori. Acum i se taie macaroana asta. Na sanctiuni de o sa le ramana bucata de mar stricat in gat. Pe langa asta, China a redus drastic exporturile de orice fel de minerale rare catre ocupant. Asta, combinat cu faptul ca din Rusia ocupantul in afara de materiale nucleare nu prea mai primeste nimic si cu faptul ca accesul la resursele din Africa se taie pe zi ce trece, va duce la un resultat inevitabil: imposibilitatea de a mai sustine o industrie avansata in majoritatea tarilor aflate sub ocupatie.

      De asemenea, China cumpara anual cateva sute de Beoing-uri de la ocupant. Si cand ocupantul a spus acum 4 ani ca nu le mai da, s-a apucat si aici de treaba. Acum nu le mai cumpara. Fabrica singuri deja la o rata de 100 de avioane echivalente anual. Chiar in toamna asta, Beoing a declarat ca este gata sa livreze din nou catre China modelul 747 Max. I-auzi. Brusc s-au razgandit ca s-a cunoscut un pic lispa celor cateva sute de avioane pe care le vindeau acolo anual.

      Intre timp, tanti Ursulea a Germaniei, o oaie cu buletin care in plantemie a facut miliarde de euro pe spatele europenilor sclavi, cica vrea sa interzica importul de masini din China. Pai ea poate nu stie ca cele mai multe exporturi de masini din Germania merg in China ? O valoare de “doar” 19.5 miliarde de dolari. Din nou, hai sa vedem cine pe cine sanctioneaza. Bineinteles ca daca ocupantul pratica sinucidere in direct si in reluare, la fel vor practica, in mod obligatoriu si toate coloniile lor.
      Si daca 19.5 miliarde nu vi se pare mult, ca poate sinteti rude cu Gill Bates, cum suna 250 miliarde ? E, China vrea sa anuleze comenzi de automobile americane de acesta valoare. Asta insemna faliment direct al industriei auto americane. Ca la noi nu vor puntea vine, ca in colonia noastra e saracie, nu ne permitem la mod individual asa ceva. Ne permitem doar epave zburatoare, plutitoare, bucati de fier taratoare si artificii pentru anul nou ca e buget alocat acolo de oamenii ocuapantului. E fier vechi strategic. A…sa nu uit: si uniforma militara ca a ocupantului, mai cacanie la culoare. Cine stie care jmenar Ferengi a scos bani si din treaba asta.

      Ca sa incheiem oarecum capitolul economie si resurse, mai exsita un aspect pe care il cam stiu dar cei cu legatura cu domeniul: bateriile Li-Ion si LiFePo4.
      China detine 80% din productia mondiala de baterii bazate pe litiu. Daca cele Li-Ion care sunt foarte raspandite in multe dispozitive in zilele noastre mai au si alti mici producatori cu cate o feliuta de piata, cele LiFePo4 sunt produse aproape exclusiv de mari companii din China. Diferenta LiFePo4 fata de Li-Ion este ca desi au o capacitate ceva mai mica, ele nu iau foc accidental (si nici macar intentionat), cum vedem acum cu masinile electrice. LiFePo4 se folosesc pentru a stoca masiv energie soalara.
      Si cum chiar ocupantul cu toate coloniile vor sa devina “verzi” si sa treaca pe alimentare de la Soare (pana vor taia accesul la Soare ca sa-i puna si aluia taxa), vor trebui sa aiba unde stoca energie electrica.
      Si daca vrei sa stochezi in baterii, cel mai fiabil, sigur si eficient este sa o faci in baterii LiFePo4. Deci vor depinde si aici de China.

      Frumos si interesant context, nu ?

      Acum vom intra un pic si pe partea de tehnologie avansata, inclusiv si mai ales militara.

      Din p.d.v. tehnic, tarile care se ridica importiva ocupantului vor sa se separe efectiv de tehnologia acestuia. Oare e posibil ? Pai sa vedem. Cabluri optice si-au tras separat. La sistme de operare Windows au renuntat si folosesc unele proprii. La partea de hardware au inceput sa-si fabrice pe cont propriu tot ce le trebuie si in cativa ani vor avea avantaj tehnlogic si aici, presupunand ca nu se grabesc lucrurile daca se intampla ceva in Taiwan. Ce a mai ramas este cea mai tare chestie: sistemul SWIFT, cu care ocupantul iti putea confisca toti banii dintr-o apasare de buton. Uite ca Iranul, cu ajutorul Rusiei, a dezvoltat un sistem alternativ la SWIFT. Iar tarile din Uniunea de Compensare din Asia (Ati auzit de uniunea asta ? Nu ?! “Ghinion.” Mai cititi si mai lasati tembelizorul.) au adoptat acest sistem.

      Deci lumea eliberata de sub ocupatie va avea retea proprie cu protocoale proprii de comunicatii, software propriu, hardware propriu si sistem bancar propriu. Na, mai controleaza-i pe astia.

      Si ca tot veni vorba de software, este important de mentionat si faptul ca din totdeauna software-ul estic a fost mult mai bun ca cel vestic, chiar si cel facut pentru sistemul de operare Windows al ocupantului. Sa luam cateva exemple: chiar dinainte de Windows, pentru MS-DOS, cel mai bun File Manager a fost DOS Navigator, conceput de un moldovean. Cand s-a raspandit tehnolgia de formate de fisiere video, cel mai bun pachet de codec-uri video era unul rusesc. Acum, formatul universal de container de fisier video folosit pe toata Planeta este MKV (Matroska Video) pentru ca a fost facut de un rus avand o alta persoana in fata pe parte de PR. Cel mai bun antivirus din ultimii cel putin 10 ani este de departe Kaspersky (si zic asta din postura de expert in securitate cibernetica), care inca se mentine in top in ciuda tuturor sanctiunilor ocupantului. Cel mai puternic sistem de arhivare si dezarhivare este 7Zip, facut de Igor Pavlov. 7Zip este mult mai performant ca bine-cunoscutul WinRar si fata de acesta este gratuit, nu necesita vreun fel de licenta. Si e si open source, oricine poate vedea cum e facut, deci nu poate ascunde “suprize”.
      Suficiente exemple. Sa revenim.

      Pe parte militara, ocupantul a transformat propria inzestrate tehnica intr-o mare masinarie de spalat bani. Chiar cei de la Airfoce-ul ocupantului avertizau acum cativa ani ca vor ramane in urma la toate capitolele observand ce s-a intamplat cu esecul numit F-22. Ce coincidenta: chiar zilele trecute un F-35 le-a dezertat dupa ce pilotul s-a (sau a fost) catapultat.

      Din p.d.v. strategic, Rusia detine in acest moment suprematia cu rachete hipersonice capabile de o viteza de pana la 27 Mach, adica de 27 de ori viteza sunetului, adica undeva la peste 9Km parcursi pe secunda. Ocupantul se chinuie sa scoata un Mach 6 si nu prea reuseste. Incearca sa modernizeze rachetele Minute Man (versiunea 3) care inca functioneaza pe baza de dischete de 5.25″.
      Rusia de asemenea a dezvoltat torpila nucleara cu care va putea lovi in coastele ocupantului daca este cazul. Sau ar putea elimina un grup-portavion (adica portavion plus toate navele de escorta din jur).

      Pe parte de contramasuri electronice, de notat 3 incidente: USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) care a ramas fara curent in Marea Neagra, portavionul clasa Nimitz ramas fara curent pe coastele UK si recent submarinul de atac USS Toledo (SSN-769) care s-a luat o pauza si a fost redirectionat de submarinele rusesti inapoi inspre origini. Astea ar trebui sa-i dea bine de gandit ocupantului.
      Multi afirma totusi ca Rusia nu are o flota navala moderna si capabila de un conflict global. Pai bun, pe cine sa atace cu ea ? Pe cine a atacat direct Rusia in ultimii 30 de ani si cate tari a atacat ocupantul strategic ? La aia foloseste flota de portavioane: la atac si la jaf. Daca esti tara defensiva nu ai nevoie de portavioane decat cel mult in scop de antrenament si dobandire de cunostiinte in domeniu.
      Problema ocupantului este ca acum portavionale devin istorie, cum au devenit si cuirasatele. Logica este simpla: capacitatile de atac sunt mult mai avansate decat cele de aparare. Ca atare, a avea un mastodont plutitor nu de ajuta cu nimic, ci din contra, te transforma intr-o tinta usoara.

      Flota in schimb are China, pentru ca in contextul actual are nevoie. Ca numar de nave functionale a depasit ocupantul. Deci daca ocupantul vrea sa atace China, va avea de-aface si cu o flota pe masura, pana sa poata ajunge sa atace orice amplasament pe uscat. Ghinion pentru ocupant, ca a ramas cu o flota cu care nu poate ataca nici Rusia nici China. China, pe langa flota, a dezvoltat si sisteme de lasere foarte avansate care, spre deosebire de ale ocupantului, pot functiona in mod continuu timp nelimitat datorita unicului sistem de racire. Daca tehnologia intra rapid in dotarea armatei se vor schimba multe.

      Mai mult de atat, zilele trecute, Putin delcara ca Rusia va dezvolta o arma care va asigura suprematia pe Planeta. Stiu despre ce este vorba. Tehnologia respectiva a fost testata acum foarte multi ani si a avut rezultate asa de infricosatoare incat a fost interzisa spre a fi data in folosiinta la acel moment.

      In timp ce restul lumii progreseaza. poporul ocupantului asteapta sa fie salvat de Trump, forte speciale secrete, sisteme quantice din Star Trek controlate de Balariile Albe, profeti, zei sau micii omuleti gri transgalactici, mentindu-se in forma maxima cu cocaina, heroina si noile derivatii chimice de pe piata.

      Acum ramane de vazut ce va face ocupantul strategic. Nu mai are decat doua variante: sa moara incet si sigur in chinuri sau sa moara cu tot cu restul lumii in marea lumina a exploziilor nucleare.

      Cert este ca a venit timpul dreptatii, iar peste 90% din oamenii de pe Pamant vor fi impotriva ocupantului si vor cere sa li se faca dreptate.

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      Ocupantul strategic contra restului lumii – eu pariez pe logică

      Cînd există îndoială, cel mai bine e să folosim logica.

      Colțul “albastru” al ocupantului:

      1. Are o conducere rotativă de tip haotic care face întrecere la “cine fură mai mult” pe tura lui.
      2. A bombardat și jefuit majoritatea țărilor de pe glob și a lăsat baze de ocupație peste tot.
      3. Are o monedă care mai valorează 0.012 din cît auto-declară că valorează.
      4. Nu mai produce aproape nimic în mod independent.
      5. Resursele pe care le mai are nu le poate exploata pe termen scurt sau mediu.
      6. Are un trai bun doar pe hîrtie, în practică orașele mari arătînd ca în jocuri sau filme de groază iar clasa mijlocie este aproape disparută.
      7. Are o stare de sănătate dezastruoasă pentru marea majoritate a populației, cauzată de droguri legale și ilegale și de transformarea sistemului de sănătate într-unul de făcut $.
      8. Are pseudo-economie bazată pe jaf, mită, spălare de bani și imprimare de monedă fictivă.
      9. Beneficiază de spălare pe creier completă, de la LGBPLM pînă la pseudo-politică și alte astfel de mizerii.
      10. Are o putere militară în declin, transformată în mașinărie de spălat bani.

      Colțul “roșu-galben-verde” al restului lumii:

      1. Are o conducere autoritară sub care se mișcă imediat orice cînd se dă ordin.
      2. Eliberează țari de sub ocupația colonialistă.
      3. Are monede bazate pe resurse, producție și acoperite în aur.
      4. Produce aproape tot ce are nevoie în mod independent. 100% tot cînd or lua si Taiwanul.
      5. Are resurse disponibile din belsug și exploatabile oricînd.
      6. Are o suficientă masă de populație de clasă mijlocie, gata să acopere orice necesar.
      7. Nu e plina de drogați și conține o populație de 10x mai numeroasă ca partea opusă.
      8. Are o economie bazată efectiv pe producție de bunuri, nu pe chestii fictive.
      9. Încearcă să iși mențina datinile, tradițiile și cultura nepoluate.
      10. Are o putere militară în puternică ascensiune, cu multiple avantaje tehnologice.

      Deci caștigătorul clar cu un scor de 10-0 este: restul lumii.

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      Capacity test of a few R3/AAA batteries

      I just wanted to see what actual capacity a few known brands of standard R3/AAA batteries have so I went through all brands that I had and put them up to a test. 2 of them were not exactly new, so those results clearly may be better for new ones of the same brand.

      Here are the test results:

      The clear winner is Verbatim followed by the White-Yellow Varta. I would of bet on Varta, but apparently this Verbatim lot is quite something and ended up significantly ahead.

      Here are their actual pictures, I did not want to stretch them into the table:

      I will probably do some updated when I will get new lots, new brands. The silver Duracell and Arcas were not really near peak voltage, so probably that’s why the lower cap.

      And maybe I’ll do some runs with R6/AAs also.

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      DEX Actualizat – Ocupant Strategic

      Ocupant Strategic este denumirea corecta din punct de vedere gramatical ce trebuie obligatoriu folosita cind facem referinta la Statele Unite ale Americii, denumite in mod incorect “Partener Strategic” de catre grupurile media detinute tot de acelasi Ocupant.

      Ocupantului Strategic ii platim tribut de din ce in ce mai multe miliarde de euro anual, primind la schimb in general promisiuni si citeodata epave plutitoare, epave zburatoare, artificii de anul nou sau alte piese perfecte pentu un muzeu militar respectabil.

      Printre directivele Ocupantului, care din nefericire majoritatea au fost deja indeplinite, avem: desfiintarea armatei, distrugerea si donarea industriei, interzicerea mentinerii unei rezerve de hrana la stat pentru cazuri de urgenta, distrugerea agriculturii si a multor surse de hrana, subordonarea sistemului financiar din tara Fondului Mafiot International (FMI), paticiparea la jaf armat asupra altor state independente sub coordonarea Organizatiei Teroriste a Atlanticului de Nord (OTAN), renuntare la colectarea datoriilor altor tari aflate sub administrarea si/sau influenta Ocupantului Strategic, mentinerea unei stari de conflict cu vecinii, subminarea economiei, donarea resurselor nationale administratorilor Ocupantului, implementarea de programe de exterminare a populatiei locale prin multiple mijloace, falsificarea alegerilor si inlocuirea acestora cu preselectii, atacuri teroriste pe teritoriul national, distrugerea datinilor si traditiilor locale, distrugerea educatiei, denigrarea religiei, distrugerea suprafetelor forestiere si alte cateva zeci de asemenea acte.

      Asadar, denumirea de Ocupant Strategic este obligatoriu de folosit in limba romana in locul oricaror alte denumiri alternative.

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      Milwaukee batteries – be aware of fakes !

      I decided to write about this subject after looking at the official feedback review of Milwaukee batteries on their official websites. There are quite some unexplained low ratings there while many ratings are very good or excellent. So there must be something wrong. Well, here comes the story.

      In the power tools industry, just like in the Li-Ion cell industry there’s an invasion of fakes on the market. Just like you have the blue or striped “ultrafire” 18650 cells that are marked over 4000mAh and they actually have between 100 and 400 usually and that’s just for a few charges, you also have fakes for power tool batteries. In DeWalt’s case it’s a lot worse, there are low quality tools overmarked, nicely painted and sold as originals even if they are totally low entry level tools. Don’t get me wrong, may are actually usable and good for low power precision work but will instantly fail at work that suppose to be achievable for them. Batteries are even labeled 36V and have only 4 cells (so it’s a 14.4V tool). This is as far as things went for DeWalt.

      But let’s get back at Milwaukee batteries. I had hundreds of such batteries ranging from 2Ah and ending up with 12Ah with most intermediaries between (3, 4, 5, 9 and the newer 3 and 8Ah). All originals were excellent, even very old ones. I have plenty of them still that are 4-5 years old and have more than 85% of their capacity intact. The only thing I found strange so far was a lot that I had from 2019-2020 of 5Ah ones that were practically self-discharging extremely fast, as in more than half capacity each month. Nothing else wrong with them; they had the stated capacity, the original cells, everything was good except this. I did not find something to explain this yet. But other than this, I can definitely rate the Milwaukee batteries as the best power tool batteries there. I will explain the details why in another article, as I want to focus now on fakes.

      Given my experience with all types of their M18 batteries (which I also repair in my spare time as a hobby), reading the user product reviews, I could only come up with the conclusion that many people get fakes instead. And fakes are not only one type, they are multiple types, some totally junk, some nearly acceptable in quality. I will rate the fakes from highest to lowest quality: fakes that have original cells, fakes that have alternate cells (of high current or not of high current) and the junk fakes that have low capacity low current cells.

      Grade B fakes (with original cells) – those are the best of the fakes. You actually get original Samsung cells but of lower capacity. Here’s an example of a 3Ah one having 1300mAh Samsung cells instead of 1500mAh ones:

      You can clearly see that the soldering is done manually. So this is the best type of fake you can get: you have high current cells, you get near the stated capacity (2.6Ah instead of 3.0) but the electronics are usually pretty bad and won’t last too long. So let’s say you have almost 2 out of 3 reference points here.

      Grade C fakes (with other cells) – for this type you may have 2 lottery tickets to draw: high current alternate cells and low current alternate cells. You may have variations from low current cells with all the stated capacity to high current cells with less capacity. The circuit can also vary in quality.

      In the below case, a 9Ah battery has an actual capacity of 4Ah, because it’s using 1500mAh cells, but at least those support a good discharge current (I tested them and they were able to keep a load constantly throughout the discharge without overheating so they passed the current test).

      So a battery like this one you can safely use even for high power stuff but it will still not beat an original 5Ah. You will end up spending the $ you give for an original 5Ah and get something below that. And this is a best case scenario situation. If the cells are not high current you may end up with a fire. For this specific one the actual electronics looked pretty solid, but the connectivity was poor (low quality wires, low thickness for the battery nickel stripe, poor welding. I’d rate those 1.5 /3.

      Grade D fakes (with junk everything inside). I don’t have inside pictures of such type of a fake anymore (but will publish them if I will get my hands on another battery of this type); I have just some overall external pics to show you:

      This is the worst fake battery I ever tested. It’s marked as 6Ah. It actually has 2 at most and it has low current cells. When I put this in my saw, it took about 6 seconds of usage to turn off. Absolute trash. You can only use this for extremely light torque. You get only disadvantages: fake cells (low current, very low capacity), junk internals (wires, stripes, etc) and a very cheap circuit that can fry at any moment. The rating for these would be 0.5 / 3. You can use them for testing if a tool starts up, but in most cases that’s about it.

      Now that we covered enough fakes, let’s talk about the originals. I am putting below an original 9Ah battery so you can spot the differences by comparing it with the fake.

      A few noticeable differences: the Milwaukee logo on the LED area, the shape of the LED indicators, the overall look from a side and most importantly the back side label. There you have multiple markings that prove the authenticity of the battery: the GMBH tag, the INR type of cell, the manufacturing date. Note here in regard to the INR markings that I also found what seemed to be original batteries with ICR (I’d consider these as Grade A batteries and the INRs as A+) markings and had original Sony cells inside , which are lower current than the Samsung cells but still fall under medium current category. It’s likely those were designed for usage in tools of up to medium power and they looked authentic by all criteria. It’s still go for INRs with Samsungs though. If anyone has any solid info on the possibly original ICRs, feel free to give some feedback.

      That said, I’ll put here some more original labels so you can spot how they look.

      Another thing to note is the screws type. The originals are like in the 3 pictures below, it’s a hex screw. The fakes can have any type, hex included, but also cross or others (recent fake 9Ah had cross screws).

      This final ones are also original, this type of label from the right has been used widely until around 2019 when the QR code was added for some models. There’s one more type of label, similar to this one, but without the manufacturing date number. That is also original, but it’s for 2015 and earlier batteries. Quick update: I ‘ve added it to the left – as you can see, it still has INR tag but it’s on the label. There is no manufacturing date on the back. The manufacturing date can be determined by a special code which is written in the contacts area (I will not detail since these types are no longer use since 2015).

      Now you should have an overall idea on fakes and what not to get. And please stop putting bad reviews on official sites due to using fakes. That contributes to lowering the reputation of originals and will only cause fakes to get even more spread and selling power.

      If you encounter weird batteries that you are not sure about, don’t hesitate to drop a line here along with some pics and we’ll see what we deal with.

      End note: I am not affiliated in any way with Milwaukee, DeWalt or any other tool manufacturer. I just use lots of their tools ranging from simple drills to chainsaw and I repaired many batteries so far so I’m quite familiar with many of the top or even mid range brands.

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      The dark side of Windows (updates via p2p)

      Windows now supports delivering updates via Peer to Peer (P2P). Let’s see what that means. If you have a company with let’s say 100 computers and low bandwidth, if very few of these computers managed to get their updates, they will then pass on the updates to the rest of the computers “near them”. At least in theory. We will see later what’s wrong in this scenario.

      From a technical perspective we finally see p2p technology at work on large scale. That’s a good thing. I would really like to see more of this technology working. Imagine the possibilities of a P2P social network and what would it be capable of if correctly implemented; or of a video streaming system, even decentralized online gaming.

      But let’s get back to the current issue and at our example. Let’s say 3 of these computers got their updates and then they are passing the updates to near-by computers. So far so good, the rest won’t need to consume internet bandwidth to do so. But his assumes those computers are actually near each other, which may not be every time correct. Windows detects this via IP geolocation, which is a mistake. If you have multiple company sites world wide (let’s say a few sites in China, Europe and US just to make things simple) you may use special connectivity technologies (like MPLS, SDWAN or others) that support tunnel links. You may end up with all computers exiting towards internet via the same main node (your datacenter with the best WAN link). That means all computers in China, Europe and US will exit the internet through the fastest node, let’s say Europe. Now, what Windows update will do is detect that all computers exit the internet in the same area, assume that they are neighbors and spread the updates between them. So the computers in China will exchange updates with the ones in Europe and with the ones in the US. That will overkill your bandwidth (WAN and tunnel) and cause general network slowness, possibly also lots of denies due to security policies and lots of corresponding logs.

      So in the above scenario it’s best that you have on-site update servers that handle updates and turn off this feature; otherwise you’ll be slowed down a lot and you don’t know why.

      That was one example of scenario where things will be worse. But that’s not the higher problem. The most important issue is the security side of things. Imagine an exploit done within a network that will compromise a computer with an attacker getting that specific computer to update the rest. You have the whole network under rogue control without the possibility of countering it in an efficient manner. Of course, there are mechanisms in place to prevent a thing like this, but don’t count on them to actually be realistic in practice. Microsoft had some epic update failures in the last 12 months. Just to name 2 of them: the printer nightmare patch that made quite many print servers fail to provide properly printing services to workstations and further, preventing normal adding of printers from print server to workstations and the very recent even worse one where KB5009624 (for Windows Server 2012R2 and a few others for more recent OS versions) practically broke Hyper-V causing none of the VM guests to be able to start. So imagine you schedule a few minutes of downtime to update a HV host and when update is done (usually these are done automatically at night when most people don’t work) you find yourself with no server being able to start and no quick obvious solution to fix this. The point is, Microsoft patching remains of poor quality, as it always has been and it’s not to be trusted.

      That said, even worst things can happen. Think about a high end top level compromise. Anything can be expected. Since updates can run under TI (Trusted Installer) in case of compromise you will get a full Global assimilation of any Windows-based device on your network. And “bad” guys aside, this also gives Microsoft unprecedented control over any existing system with their OS installed. This is also not to be desired no matter you may or may not think now.

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